The Film Shining a Light on the Struggles of Tanzanian Women living with HIV

16 October 2018

An academic and a director have teamed up to produce a moving feature-length film highlighting the everyday struggles of women living with HIV in Tanzania, in which two thirds of the cast are HIV positive. The East-African nation has made major inroads in tackling the HIV epidemic over the last decade, with an extensive roll out of free anti-retroviral treatment, but 1.5 million Tanzanians still live with the disease. 

The burden is highest among women, with 5.8 per cent of those over 15 infected with HIV - compared to 3.6 per cent of men. In a country with significant gender inequality, women are more likely to have older partners and get married at a younger age - and often do not have education or agency to insist on safe sex. 

Read the full article online here.